June 08, 2005

Life's little pleasures....

Chipotle Burritos.
I only eat them when I am in Denver. Damn that was a good burrito tonight. I enjoyed it. May even have another one tomorrow. I prefer the steak, blackbean with the hot tomatillo sauce. You can not get a burrito from Chipotle without cheese and sourcream. Tonight's Chipotle stop was at the intersection of Yale and Colorado Blvd. I am aware that Chipotle Restaurants are nationwide, but to me they are a Denver thing.

Nutritional info
My burrito has 49g of fat, and
1198 calories. How about yours?

Good thing I got the diet soda....

If burritos are really your thing, and you are single, I suppose a person could look at the burrito soulmate section of this website. No, I did not sign up for an account. Not.......yet at least.

I remember before I tried a Chipotle burrito a year or so ago, I read about them from Colorado Luis, yes.... they are as good as I am making them sound.

Posted by Jess at June 8, 2005 10:47 PM

So does Ralph know that you are lurking around Denver? :o

Posted by: JulieB at June 9, 2005 11:40 AM

Why are you in Denver and not contacting me???? I love Chipotle.

Posted by: Jenn at June 9, 2005 11:44 AM

Update: I had Chipotle for lunch because of you.

Posted by: Jenn at June 9, 2005 03:36 PM

I love Chipotle, it is nearly as cool as my favorite girl in Denver. Jennilicious.

Posted by: jess @ LOSLI at June 9, 2005 04:12 PM

I recommend all of my comment readers all both of you. I am only calling her Jennilicious from now on. Nickname time.


Posted by: jess @ LOSLI at June 9, 2005 04:16 PM


Posted by: Jennilicious at June 10, 2005 08:50 AM

I am living proof you can go to Chipotle and not get sour cream. My usual: Chicken with pintos, green tomatillo salsa, cheese and no sour cream. To go. Normally from the one at 16th and California.

Posted by: Colorado Luis at June 13, 2005 09:34 PM
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