December 11, 2005

Sunday Roundup

Iowa, Colorado, New Hampshire?*** Chuck ponders the conflicts of morality.*** War on Christmas?***

The General has been accused of cheating and he responds in the way only the general can.*** Jeff over at Protein Wisdom teaches us how to install a garbage disposal.*** Jeff ***also points us to this reaction to the death of Richard Pryor.***

Julie B found this just for me.*** (And of course Teach***)

To: Bob Woodward
From: Mad Kane
With Love.***

Jeremy is still not back.*** Heather moved some links around. She did not delete anyone.... She repeats.*** Nick moved offices, and seems happy about it.*** Today's love note by Harvey.*** The best part of waking up, is Prochein Amy in your cup.*** Princess Cat explains why 2 exes should never ever have the same name. Ever.***

Posted by Jess at December 11, 2005 06:34 PM | TrackBack

well, here I was sure that would lead you to post something about thongs...!
Teach spent some time upping his sitemeter rate with "purple pirate thongs" and variations on that theme.
I have apparently returned myself to an amphibious state in the TTLB. Sigh. Perhaps if I actually posted more? Oh yeah! That!

Posted by: JulieB at December 12, 2005 11:24 PM


Posted by: jess @ at December 14, 2005 02:25 PM

Ah! There ya go! Start with your favorite luscious babe picture, photoshop the clothes off, and the GOLDEN LOSLI thong on, being careful to get the LOSLI printing on the ass looking just right... and there ya go!

Posted by: JulieB at December 15, 2005 06:20 PM
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