December 14, 2005

If this had happened in Philadelphia it would be all over CNN now.

Semi Driver Killed in crash with Amtrak near Cisco, UT.

Posted by Jess at December 14, 2005 03:05 PM | TrackBack

Probably would have been a few more people on it though. I've taken the Coast Starlighter - starts south of L.A. and goes all the way to Seattle, although I started in Oakland. It was way fun. I took my bike up to Seattle to do the Seattle to Portland ride. It costs alot to fly a bicycle, but only $5 on the train. It was fun - I got a cheap sleeper (has a bunk bed instead of a double bed) and the price included excellent meals in the dining car. I hear the Zephyr isn't as plush as the Starlighter though.

Posted by: JulieB at December 16, 2005 04:55 PM

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Posted by: cd storage drawer at February 2, 2006 02:16 AM
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