December 24, 2005

Could it be?

JC Christian and Jonathan Christian Webster are the same man?


1. They both seem to hate the French. The General hates frenchmen, Webster hates french poodles and cats.

2. The General posts mostly late at night or super early in the morning. The same time frame that Webster is calling into Coast to Coast AM.

3. They both feel that women need to be put in their place.

4. Webster believes that he is God's Ten Star General. Jesus' General is pretty self explanatory.

5. Football is a homosexual sport according to Webster. Wrestling is according to the General.

6. Both of their compounds are in the Northwest.

7. Both of them believe that the U.S. has been ponografied.

This is just an observation that I made.

Posted by Jess at December 24, 2005 12:38 PM | TrackBack

very astute.
that may be a bad pun based on Steve's Haiku....

Posted by: JulieB at December 24, 2005 04:03 PM

I am glad you cleared it up. The coast to coast listeners used to accuse my friend radio host Phil Hendrie of being JC. Have you notified Art Bell that Wack Job yet? I want to sue Jess, I just don't know what for yet though. That was painful to crap on the elf Julie. It really is painful still but Hutchen's forced my hand. I also called his daughter and let her know that she was adopted.

Posted by: Steve Bozell at December 24, 2005 04:58 PM
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