January 05, 2006

back on vacation

From blogging.... Steve, Julie, and Heather will take care of you. I guess, right now... Julie will post interview question 3. If she wants to write #'s 4 and 5, she most certainly has my blessings.

While I am out please remember to water my fake plants. Hell, repot them if you like. Go read blogroll. Every link on there is worth spending a lot more time on then I do. Anybody else that wants to post here leave a comment.

Posted by Jess at January 5, 2006 02:53 AM | TrackBack

post here ???
WTF as if I need your commenters to haite me as well... already had to cut RL because of me being that liked... :D

Posted by: ©madbull at January 5, 2006 11:17 AM

madbull: STFU, K? THNX. :-P

Posted by: Biologisvensk at January 6, 2006 12:47 AM

bio :: did you find that line on your own ? :|

d*mn... true i gotta watch out... you're one of those in charge now... gee, jess should erally start those drugs again :P

Posted by: ©madbull at January 6, 2006 10:55 AM

I am? Posting Question #3? Wait... I missed a page someplace (sound of someone frantically thumbing pages of a thick book) I'm looking..

Madbull. Really. Dude. Don't be rude to Heather. Honest, trust me here, it never pays.

Posted by: JulieB at January 6, 2006 04:46 PM

Julie: Didn't question #3 have something to do with half-halts, counter-canter, and the pros and cons with longeing in a cavesson, as opposed to a saddle and a bridle with the line on the bit?

madbull: Yeah...don't be rude to me. My room, NOW!

Posted by: Biologisvensk at January 7, 2006 01:50 PM

whatevah... (@both) :P

Posted by: ©madbull at January 7, 2006 01:52 PM
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