Jess: "Hello."
Steve Bozell: "Jess, Steve Bozell of B&B Construction. How are you?"
Jess: "Fine Steve. Whats up?"
Steve Bozell: "Just wondering what you are up to."
Jess: "I am just leaving Old Navy. I just bought some good shit."
Steve Bozell: "Old Navy.... Sounds gay as hell."
Jess: "Well Steve, can your penis touch your anus?"
Steve Bozell: "It is big, yes."
Jess: Well then... Go fuck yourself."
I spoke to my attorney Delores Blasingame and we think we have a good case against that effing Jess. He really damaged my psychy."
now i had really thought you meant he 'enlarged' your asshole *rollseyes*
go on fucking now...