July 15, 2007

Conversation with a solar panel...

Me: "So, they tell that you are the way of the future."

Solar Panel: "Yes, and the past."

Me: "300 days of sunshine per year here you must be in hog heaven eh?"

Solar Panel: "Yes, I have a cousin in Seattle, he is suicidal."

Me: "Because of the rain?"

Solar Panel: "Oddly enough no, he thinks that the space needle is out to get him. So, he figures he will do himself in first, to save that sadistic space needle the pleasure."

Me: "How is he going to do himself in?"

Solar Panel: "It is hard without hands."

Me: "OK."

Solar Panel: "Please, when you refer to me make sure that you call me a 'photovoltaic cell' solar panel is so '82."

Posted by Jess at July 15, 2007 01:56 PM | TrackBack

Wow, cool man, big thanks! http://ujykthxrird.com

Posted by: thvmnqgfro at April 24, 2008 02:37 PM
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